Development is a very debatable matter in our society. In India there are too many NGOs and GOs for development. But what is development and what kind of prosperity India wants. It is a matter which should be solved immidatly. Development means not to develop only Economy and Technology. It means to develop more human dignity, safty, justice and equality.
On the first Independance Day Jawahar Lal Nehru has laid down broadly the parameters within which development had to be persued- The ending of poverty and ignorance and and disease and inequality of opportunity. In this context, Sen say- Economic growth is important but it is valuable precisely because it helps to eradicate deprivation and to improve capabilities and quality of life of ordinary people.
For national developmet India adopted five year plan. If we pay a sharp eyes on these plans we find that these does not create a sustainable development. Our Natural resources are near to disappear form the world. Since Independance, India has made significant progress in several area of Economy and Human development. Food production has gone up to provide adequate lavel of food securit, Infrastructre development has been satisfactory, a vast pool of traind Human resources has been developed. But on the other hand, there are about 260 million persons or about 26 per cent of population still continue to be below the normative poverty live. poverty is viewed not only in term of lack of adequate income but as a state of deprivation spanning the economic and social context of the people. they do not earn one dollor in a day. Near about 40 per cent childs are unable to celebrate their fifth birthday.
Education rate is still 56 per cent in India. National Human Development Report 2001 says; Some of the challenges and concerns in the area of political governance are criminalisation of public life, politics of vote bank, communal violence and corruption increasing very fastly.
Now we come back on Human development. what is Human development. Its says that HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IS THE END. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMET ARE THE MEANS. We can identifies the human development by three dimension of well-beings
1) Longevity 2) Education 3) Command over resources
Human development is the development of the people, for the people and by the people. The 1990 seen the seting up of quite a few progressive institutions, formulation of several useful social policies and passing of a few progressive bills. there are some of them;
1) National Commission on Women in 1992 under the NCW Act, 1990.
2) National Human Right Commission set up in 1994, under the protection of Human Right Act 1993.
3) Consumer Protection Courts.
1) Draft national policy on Women formulated in 1996.
2) National plan of action for children in 1992.
3) National plan of action for the girl child in 1991-2000.
1) Mahila samridhi yojana.(MSY) lanched in 1993.
2) Joint Forest Managment (JFM).
People are the most valuable resources and the real wealth of Nation. So the development of the people is the development of the Nation. thus the first duty of the Government is to develop the quality of his people.
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